by Jennifer Hines | Blogs, Hiring a Sales Team
I know many executives cringe when they look at the cost of turnover of sales people in the organization. Many find it hard to pinpoint the exact cost, they only know it is staggering when you add up all the costs. (If you’re curious about your total cost of...
by Jennifer Hines | Blogs, Hiring a Sales Team
I don’t think anyone will debate the point that attracting and hiring top sales talent is one of the biggest challenges that companies face today. The truth is, the talent you need exists – but it’s likely working somewhere else right now. And the better the sales...
by Jennifer Hines | Blogs, Successful Sales Teams
I’ve been watching more football this season than ever before. I’m not sure why, but I’m enjoying it more than I have in the past. I watch the players come out on the field with a game-ready mindset, with all their protective gear and plays in their head. More than...
by Jennifer Hines | Successful Sales Teams
As I look at 2018 coming to the finish line soon, it makes me reflect on the year and what I’ve accomplished. It’s been a growth year for me, in terms of both my sales and my family. It also makes me think about the things I didn’t make happen. As with all of us,...
by Jennifer Hines | Hiring a Sales Team
Don’t get sold when you hire! Hiring a great sales team is a critical component of your growth and future success. When they’re winning, you’re winning! In addition, the key to winning is a sales team that can deliver results consistently. So, here’s my question:...